Roofing & Automated Crane Trash Bins

It’s not uncommon for roofs to create a lot of waste. It might be in the tear off phase, or in the waste from rolls, insulation and supplies. To have a roofer run back and forth to deal with this crane trash bin is time consuming and obviously expensive. We have an automated trash bin that makes it so no one needs to follow the bin.

The rotating latch rotates over and over as you hoist up and down. It’s very thoughtful geometry at work. The benefit is no one needs to follow this bin to the dumpster. They’ve been used for many years in Europe. We have different roll off bins in the US and Canada. I’ve had the bin redesigned so they’ll work in the US. Part of my career was as a rigger and more time was spent as a crane operator. I knew how important adding struct would be to protect the motion range of the bale arm. I also knew that it was necessary to have guides built in. So I personally got to fabricating in my garage and asked the factory to mimic it. And here it is.

The structure guides the bin into the dumpster and protect the bale arm range.

This added structure makes it so any operator can land this easily in a dumpster. I’ve ran mobile cranes and tower cranes and this is now easy. The other beauty of this bin vs others is that it doesn’t have a latch system that will unlatch by hoisting down 6 inches too far. One would have to hoist down many feet too far to get this bin to dump out. We use the Center of Gravity as the balance. It would take a lot of adjustment to get it to dump out without locking the latch. It would be 100% intentional.

The flat bottom is great in that it won’t puncture a roof readily. I would suggest wood because of the corners if we are talking about a vinyl roof with insulation under it. But over all, it’s a very safe structure on the bottom.

The other nice thing for roofers it that the front lip is just 19 inches on the 2 yard version. This means you can roll carts or wheelbarrows up to it and dump them out easily. So loading up near your work and limiting the trips over to the bin, then quickly transferring in one motion is easy. At the same time, you have no structure or rigging that is in the way of loading up. No trip hazards in rigging laying around and no damaged rigging to worry about. Compared to other self-dumping bins, our bale arm also lays down. You don’t have to rely on a latch being activated to prevent someone from getting seriously injured or killed if the bale arm gets knocked over.

The price on these as a one off item can approach 4k for a 2 yard version. If you are a sizeable roofer where you’ll use many of them at any given time, I just priced out 8 for a cost of $2550 per unit with shipping included. Let’s do a price check. Let’s say you can find a used skip pan for a grand. But now you have to pay someone to take the stairs 3 times a day to go empty it. At a dollar a minute, are we talking about 30 minutes a day? In two months our bin will be money ahead. This is on a bin that will run for 20 or more years. The savings is staggering compared to nearly any other means.

If you are roofing, you need to look at CraneGear and our Automated Crane Trash Bins. We have the tools you need.


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