Tariff Solutions
Canadians faced with Tariffs that begin on Tuesday might be in the need of finding a new supplier. There are currently Chinese suppliers of crane attachments in Canada. The downside to the tariffs is the market could turn to them to increase supply. But that doesn’t need to be the solution. What the tariff’s should show is the overpriced nature of the US in steel fabrication. My US competitors sometimes sell at 100% more than we do. We don’t have tariffs on our products going into Canada. So isn’t it time we stopped to look at the options Eichinger of Germany brings to the market?
State of the Art 2 ton Self Leveling Crane Forks
The crane forks for us out of Germany rated at 2 tons sell for $1341 USD. The problem from there is the shipping. If we are buying ala Carte, the prices are middiling instead of being cheap. So how do we deal with that? Buy multiple items at a time. If you bought 10 sets of forks because you are a sizeable contractor, you’d have them show up at a total cost under 17k or $1700 for Germany quality forks we load test to 300% in the design phase. If you don’t exceed the rating, you’ll have these for several decades.
Automated Crane Trash Bins stack nicely for shipping
If you buy one of our crane trash bins you will use anyway, we can put the forks in the bin. Shipping is free. Take a couple of bins that stack together nicely and put some forks in them. You can get two 2.6 yard bins, two sets of two ton forks and pay $10,863 including the shipping. Ten years ago I was selling 2.6 yard bins for $5,000 per unit. Today I’ll sell you two, ship it, and include two sets of forks. We are able to deflate prices when everything else is leading to inflation.
We manufacture just about everything for cranes, forklifts and in pre-cast clamps. The products are state of the art. The innovation is industry leading. The automated we bring is outstanding. Let’s take this opportunity to fight inflation and tariffs. In the end you will have better gear at lower prices. If Canadians are looking for a friend in this unsteady time, you’ll find it with CraneGear and Eichinger. We’ll respect your business and be grateful for the opportunity to work with you.
425.210.1520 - gaytor@cranegear.net