500+ Concrete Bucket Combinations
At Eichinger we have over 500 concrete bucket combinations that can be chosen from. Last I looked we have more than 53 models of concrete buckets. Choose your means of delivery. Hose, central discharge, chute, or gate at the end of the hose for precise placement like with our Model 1017. Do you want it to have fork pockets? What size do you need it. We range from under a quarter yard to 10.7 yards. It’s more than a trucks worth in one bucket.
The advantage of a lay down concrete bucket like our 1034 has a low loading height. When you need to flow in 4 yards of concrete quickly, our 3000 liter bucket gets you to 3.92 with the concrete flowing like water without ramping the concrete truck. I had a job once where we’d go just below the water table with good flow (near a lake). In order to hold it back we’d pour CDF as the ground was disturbed at that lowest level. We used a 3 yard round and the real hold up was filling that bucket. As the crane operator I would come in hot each way, but I couldn’t do anything about how long it took to fill that tall bucket. With one of our laydown buckets, I could make that difference. And when you have $3000 and hour of crew and equipment standing around, don’t you want make the most of it?
From forklift concrete buckets to our 1032 that is a square stand up that comes with a hose, central gate, and a chute, and stands at 71 inches as 3.26 yard bucket (needs ramps on the truck) that has all of the options ready to go including an easy to reach hook in point, Eichinger and Crane Gear have the options you need for pouring concrete. Reach out if you don’t find what you need on your own. We can help. sales@cranegear.net
Optionally with fork pockets