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  • Concrete Bucket Model 1025

    Laydown concrete buckets make large capacities possible without ramping the concrete truck which takes time and effort.

  • Concrete Bucket 1021

    The most common concrete bucket used in Europe, the 1021 concrete bucket is a legacy concrete bucket for Eichinger.

  • Concrete Bucket Model 1018

    Round Laydown Concrete Buckets can be a really affordable way to have a bucket that tailgates quickly even at 2.6 yards.

  • Concrete Bucket Model 1017

    A gate on the tremie hose that allows you to put the gate facing up will prevent leaks that happen commonly on concrete buckets when they are hoisted. Stop paying for detailing due to leaking concrete with our 1017 Concrete Bucket.

  • Concrete Bucket Model 1016H

    Round concrete buckets with geared gates and round discharge hoppers allow you to place the concrete accurately with a very controlled gate that closes automatically when released.

  • Concrete Bucket Geared Gate w/Chain

    Find out how easy our gear gates function with this chain release.

  • Round Concrete Bucket Model 1014

    Concrete Bucket Model 1014

    Smaller concrete buckets are great for keeping the weights down.

  • Round Concrete Bucket Model 1013

    Eichinger’s Model 1013 Concrete Buckets

    Can be done in large sizes up to 5.2 yards. They come with lever gates that are double acting.

  • Round Concrete Bucket Geared Gate

    Geared Gates are smooth. Get them in a our 1012H Concrete Bucket which is great for foundations. Up to 2.6 yards of capacity.

  • Round Concrete Bucket Model 1011

    1011 Concrete Buckets - Simple lever gate with double gate flow. Great for foundations and footings.

  • Big Concrete Buckets at Eichinger

    Our Laydown bucket go up to 5.2 yards. The 10.4 yard is a 10' tall monster that would test out any hoist package on a crane either for line pull, or speed. Let's do it!

  • Rectangle Concrete Bucket Advantages

    Rectangle Concrete Buckets

    Wide buckets spread out the concrete further than narrow conical buckets. For deck pours the only way to be faster is with a placing boom. If you want 4.5x the gate size and to put it on a 5 yard concrete bucket, this is it. When pouring is cost you $2000 an hour, it only takes a couple of pours to make up the cost of the bucket vs a two yard bucket.