Rated Super Sacks
Super Sacks often don’t have a rating associated with them. OSHA 1926.251 requires a rating on all lifters. It’s broad terminology intentionally as a catchall. It would certainly include Super Sacks. If you Super Sacks are not tagged, you would be in violation of the rule.
Employers must ensure that rigging equipment:
Has permanently affixed and legible identification markings as prescribed by the manufacturer that indicate the recommended safe working load;
Our Eichinger Super Sacks not only have a tag affixed conferring a 2200 or 3300 lb rating, we also have attachments to assist in lifting them, filling them, or just holding them in position. Reach out at sales@cranegear.net to discuss what you need to make the bags work great for you. The spreader systems are also crane rated and lift on a single lift point. Lifting four bags at one time becomes easy on the spreader where it’s often a challenge on the bags themselves. Solutions… it’s what we do.
Abused Rigging in the field
A spreader that keeps the bags being lifted as intended.