At the Ready
Factories owned by investors face quarterly and monthly report pressures. When you have a family owned factory, you can make choices based on the goal of supporting the business. Steel prices change, buy extra when the prices are low. The right production tool need comes up but it’s a significant investment. Buy it despite the hit to the Balance Sheet because it serves the long term goals. Demand is low. Don’t cut the workforce only to need to spend on training and issues related later. Keep building and let the future surge in demand use it up. In the end, jobs are kept, quality doesn’t see ebbs and flows, and everyone wins. These are some of the differences between corporate and family motivations. Our factory is family driven. And the Results?
The fabrications are state of the art. Robotic welds. Laser cuts. Minimized waste. Presses to make our own large pockets for stacking stillage. Stockpiles of equipment that allow quick deliveries when you call. We can custom build equipment with in-house designs. The capacity and flexibility flourishes in this environment. How can we utilize it to serve you and your business?